Welcome Autumn: ideas and tips for beautifully decorated living rooms

Autumn is the perfect time to give your living room a whole new flair: here's how to do it with a few simple touches.


Autumn is certainly one of the most magical and evocative seasons of the year: nature changing its clothes and being covered in warm, enveloping colours, the air becoming cooler, chestnuts, the first wood burning in the fireplaces spreading its resinous scent in the air, the first cups of hot tea drunk in the privacy of one's own home.

In short, it is a magical time when one often feels the need to adapting the furnishing of one's homeleaving aside the light fabrics and sparkling colours that characterised the summer period and returning instead to earthy, warm and embracing furnishings, materials and nuances.

Among the rooms in the house that best lend themselves to this change of colour and style is undoubtedly the livingone of the most lived-in and popular areas. Here one often shares moments of conviviality with family and friends, or relaxes in the company of a good book or film.

And so, with the arrival of the autumn period, it is nice to be able to dedicate oneself to one's own home, renovating it with a few simple touches, not too costly, but of sure impact. And this is how the living room is transformed, becoming an even more welcoming, enveloping and warm place, characterised by a refined and familiar style.

How to furnish your home in autumn?

Starting certainly with materials: wood will be the main protagonist of an autumn décor, to be declined according to the style of your living room. It can be dark wood, perfect for classic and rustic furniture, or lighter or even white wood, typical of Nordic-style furniture.

For a autumnal living a large bookshelf in which to place a television set, as well as a retro-style sideboard, a large table (possibly extendable) in which to lunch or dine in company, and a smaller table perfect for the TV area.

What makes your living room special, however, in addition to the wooden furniture, are the furnishing complements in warm colours such as brick red, forest green, ochre, the whole range of browns, to be lightened and emphasised with touches of creamy white, perfect especially in the case of a living room with an industrial or rustic flavour.

If you prefer a romantic and Nordic livingthen the predominant colours should be light ones, from optical white to pearl grey via powder blue and powder pink.

Even a few touches of brown, as long as they are dark, will contribute to the atmosphere of your living room.

In addition to the colours, which you can use for both furnishings and walls, it is the materials chosen to complete your décor that will give it an autumnal flavour.

The curtains, not too light and in natural fabrics, can be single-coloured or shaded in typical shades of the period, while the sofa and armchairs can be made unique by printed covers with fruits and leaves such as chestnuts, pumpkins and maple leaves.

Between autumn furnishing trends Cushions also appear, again in autumnal colours and prints or with romantic shabby-chic lettering, as well as candleholders and rugs.

The carpet, in particular, can contribute a great deal to giving your living room a distinctly autumnal look and will also be handy for keeping the floor warmer.

Also not to be forgotten is the importance of details, even the most obvious ones. For example, handles and knobs that are really able to give a whole new look to your living room furniture. That is why this is an aspect to which special attention should be paid.

For an autumnal living room with a Nordic character, for example, the knobs and handles in steel that give that extra quid of modernity to the whole environment.

Still on the subject of details, finally, in a beautiful autumnal living themed prints with which to decorate the walls, some plaid left on the sofa and, of course, the right lighting, which must be warm and not too strong.

Lamps placed at strategic points in the room are therefore perfect, also in wrought iron, to be switched on and modulated as required.

With these simple tips, you will give your living room an enveloping and rejuvenating autumnal flavour.