Children's enjoyment is important, it allows them to grow up serene, happy and in many activities also to learn to socialise and converse. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of sporting initiatives dedicated to the youngest children, both for health and motor skills and to develop team spirit and sacrifice. And if, as parents, you support this type of activity for children, you have in mind not only fun, but also safety: because dangers often lurk even in the places you frequent every day. So it becomes important to check the environments that the little ones frequent, for example by looking carefully at the furnishings in the gym.
What are the changing rooms in which your child prepares and plays?
So when you take your children to do sport, try to check what kind of accessories and solutions there are, because the difference between a safe gym and one that is perhaps conveniently close to home and where all the little friends go also passes through these small details. In particular, when we talk about gym furniture, we think of all those times when entering the locker room and paying attention to open lockers, duffel bags on the floor, other people's shoes, and... maybe banging on those old and unsafe hooks that can be found all over Italy.
So let's imagine the scenario: children's sports activities, happy and excited toddlers running around either to be on time or to play, adults who help them but also want to teach them to be autonomous, all it takes is a moment of distraction or excessive speed and your child can get caught or scratched on a protruding and dangerous hook. A situation to be avoided, and it is possible to do so simply by paying attention to the furnishings in the gym, so that your child's fun does not become a concern for you.
Gym furniture that is safe and beautiful?
The simple, colourful and fun solution to this problem has a name: Rodthe friendly hanger. Thanks to this cute clothes hanger you can leave your children in the gym without any worries, knowing that they can chase each other and get close to the wall safely and at the same time they can hang their heavy duffle bag: Tondino is rounded, free of protrusions and edges. The gym will also have a piece of furniture that makes the changing rooms safe but also more fun: yellow, blue, greenwith teddy bears o butterflies, Tondino will make your children's imaginations soar and, if they love the footballthey will not be able to resist it!
If you love safety, don't make your children give up fun or sporting activities, instead teach them to always pay attention to even the smallest details, such as the furnishings in the gym.