We talked about the history of Tondinowhich stems from the need to ensure the safety of your children: at home, at school or wherever they are. Safety is the key word for every person who becomes a parent. However, for those like us who produce, there is also another word that is fundamental and linked to everyday life: resistance. And it is not enough for us to declare it, we wanted to put it to the test. And what a test!
Yes, because if a product is useful and practical, but after 24 hours, 2 days or 2 months it is already unusable or, worse, loses safety, then we believe there is something deeply wrong with its design.
A good piece of furniture has to survive bumps, slamming doors and young children wanting to explore the world... one climbing handle at a time. And it was on this basis that we developed Tondino, to make sure that it can withstand something much heavier than a jacket, backpack or swimming bag.
For this and to ensure maximum safety for your child, we have tested it in two laboratories.
Testing in the laboratory
In the first case, we relied on a certifying body with over 40 years of experience, counted among the leading testing and applied research laboratories in Europe: Catas. Catas technicians tested the tensile strength of the rod by clamping it with two screws to a 45° inclined plate and stressing the hook. Our 'hanging friend' thus proved to be small but strong, bearing a load of 127 kg! A result that allowed us to obtain certification for strength and quality.
Not satisfied, we wanted to test Tondino further at our partner's laboratories Fischera leading company for certified and secure fastening systems, whose screws and dowels are also part of the installation kit supplied with Tondino. Again, Tondino successfully passed the shear load strength tests, yet another demonstration of robustness and quality.