Round the children's hanger: the safe solution to an angular problem


There are special places that remain within us and accompany us throughout our lives. Our parents' house, our grandmother's kitchen, the gym where we had our first lesson in our favourite sport.

And how could we forget school, where we learned to read, to count, to strive to learn something new and also to achieve good results. It was from this very important place that the idea of the Rodthe friendly wall hanger for children.

A few years ago, while following the renovation of a school, we realised that some of the hooks protruding from the wall for hanging jackets were not only unsafe, but also ugly and unsightly. Just pointing out problems is no use, it is useful to study them in order to create new solutions. Thus, from a dangerous (and, let's face it, also ugly) hook came the idea of a wall-mounted coat rack that is safe, simple and practical.

The ideas in our heads were many, as were the proposals on the market, but we were not convinced.

It is not easy to invent something new, especially if the audience is the most difficult... the children! That is why we put all of ourselves into this project, starting with the most basic aspects:

  • security,
  • practicality and simplicity,
  • fun.


Locking children in a crystal ball is not only impossible (they are sure to find a way out!), it is also counterproductive. They have to be taught to live in the world, transmitting to them the value of security.

Thus Tondino is safe thanks to its unique rounded design and the choice of non-toxic and fireproof materials.

And how many times did it happen that you got caught in something while running or jumping when you were younger?

Every child has the right to run and jump, Tondino guarantees a safe impact as it is free of strong protrusions and edges. It also has no removable parts, which are dangerous for small children.

Practicality and simplicity

There was a great deal of study behind its origin, acknowledged even by a patent pending, but Tondino comes with a simple design. From a smiley face, which any child recognises, a great adventure can be born and imagination can fly: is Tondino an astronaut, a ballerina or a superhero?

A wall-mounted coat hanger is of little use if it cannot be assembled, which is why this wall-mounted coat hanger is designed to be as simple as two screws with dowels. In addition, thanks to the convenient rounded hook, Tondino can also hold backpacks and bags, not just clothing.


A product cannot be truly child-friendly if, besides being safe, it fails to capture their attention. That is why we have come up with a wall hanger in several colours: from calm blue to bright yellow, from bright red to hopeful green. But children's imagination has no limits... so Tondino turns into soldier, football, group of butterflies or of teddy bears.

Born to ensure the safety of children when they have to hang their jacket or backpack on the wall, Tondino has become something more: a hanger friend capable of letting their imagination fly while remaining safe.